Since 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous has been providing a safe and healthy platform for alcoholics to share their struggles with alcohol and to help them recover from alcoholism. AA meetings are organized worldwide. Sometimes, they happen round the clock. Somewhere, at some time, you may find a group gathering together and helping each other become sober.
AA has emerged as one of the most famous and reliable recovery models for alcoholism.
Here are a few facts about AA that would amaze you and want you to recommend this meeting to somebody you know is alcoholic.
Facts about AA
- More than 100,000 meetings of AA exist across the globe. There are also special meetings for LGBTQ, for teens, for atheists, and so on.
- Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are true to their name. They are absolutely anonymous and attendees know each other only by their first name. This contributes to making the participants feel safer and more comfortable.
- Participants who meet milestones such as staying sober for one whole year, 5 years, or 10 years are presented with “chips” as recognition for their efforts.
- People can attend meetings for as long as they want. There is no fixed time. People also return to meetings after relapse.
- The 12 steps of AA are proven to work. Many other recovery programs follow these 12 steps.
- The meetings are run by members themselves; no organization runs them. Till today, the members have kept the 12 traditions of AA alive.
- Most of the participants find a sponsor in the meetings. Sponsors are recovered addicts who are dedicated to helping others recover.
- Meetings of AA are of two types: open and closed. The open ones are for all – alcoholics and non-alcoholics, family members, therapists, and anybody who wishes to attend to observe how it goes. Closed ones are strictly for alcoholics who are serious about recovery.
- There are no hard and fast rules in meetings. For example, sharing your story is not compulsory. You may even stay quiet for the whole meeting until you feel comfortable talking. Each meeting has its own set of rituals and rounds.
- The meetings are free of cost. You can easily find a meeting near you by searching for “AA near me.”
- The meetings were started by two people who were alcoholics themselves. They helped each other quit drinking and from here began a series of meetings that later spread to other parts of the world wherein alcoholics meet and help each other recover.
- The meetings do not provide any medical advice. Experts advise hardcore alcohol addicts to take therapy along with meetings for complete recovery.
Meetings carry an atmosphere of motivation and the zest to change one’s life. They help to instill a feeling that “enough is enough. Now I wish to take control of my life and quit drinking.” AA meeting in Vermont is available. If you or anybody you know is struggling with a drinking problem, it is wise to join this meeting and give your life a new direction.